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Private or Group classes


Some key questions to be answered during our sessions...

What can I do now to prepare my mind and body for birth?
What are warning signs I should look out for towards the end of my pregnancy?
How will I know when I am in labor?What can my partner do to help me throughout my labor and what can I do to help myself?
What do I bring to the hospital?
When do I go to the hospital?
What is informed decision-making and how can I easily achieve this?
How will I know when and how to push?
How can I heal properly after birth, physically and emotionally?
What do I need to have at home for me and baby?
How will I know how to breastfeed? When should I start?
How will I know if my baby is getting enough milk?
How can I take care of my baby once we leave the hospital?
Join a course between 25-30 weeks...Please contact me to find out when the next one begins...


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